
2024 Results are Posted.
Browse online, download the writeup or generate your certificate.
Congratulations to the 2024 Plaque Winners

Single Op High PowerKW8NMike Zilavy WA3C
Single Op Low PowerN8PECanton Radio Club
Single Op QRPW8NINorthern Ohio QRP Club
MultioperatorK8TDelaware A.R.A.
MobileKV8QBill Salyers, AJ8B
RoverK8RYUMad River Radio Club
CWK1LTMad River Radio Club
SSBN8BVChuck Patellis, W8PT
Emergency Op. CenterK8YRBob Hayes, KW8N
Single Op High PowerKU8EC.O.O.K.E.N.
Single Op Low PowerK2SGSean Fleming, K8KHZ
Single Op QRPK3TWLake Co. A.R.A.
Single Op – New EnglandK1IMITom Miller, W1PD
Single Op DXOM2VLNorthern Ohio DX Assn.

The Ohio QSO Party is an opportunity for amateur radio operators around the world to celebrate the great state of Ohio.

If you are a ham we invite you to use the links to the left and explore this site. You’ll find the rules, past scores, planned operations for this year’s event, scoring records and more.

If you’re not a ‘ham’ and this sounds like a foreign language to you, please visit the American Radio Relay League web site. The ARRL site has resources that explain amateur radio and how you can become licensed and join in the fun.

How to get up to the minute info on OhQP,
post questions or tell everyone about your OhQP experience…
OhQP has a mail list (reflector) on groups.io. Go to groups.io and search for Ohio QSO Party sponsored by MRRC or send an email to OHQP+subscribe@groups.io.   This is the only place on the web to get “official” information on the Ohio QSO Party. We are not on FaceBook, Twitter or anywhere else. Since 1999 the Mad River Radio Club has brought you the Ohio QSO Party.

The Ohio QSO Party Committee is:

Jim, K8MR – Chairman
Tim, K9TM – Web and log checking
Dan, W8CAR – Activity whip
Tim, KE8OC – Treasurer
Gary, AF8A

This site has been setup to adapt to different devices from smart phones to tablets to computers.  It was also setup to efficiently convey the important information.  As such it is not filled with all kinds of unnecessary graphics for backgrounds and such.  While some may see this as boring or not sexy that is OK.  The objective of the site is to provide OhQP information which is mostly textual in nature.  There are some pages which are graphically intensive such as the soapbox pages.  We hope you enjoy the site.
