Certificates If you operated OhQP in any year from 2002 to the presently published results year, you can get your certificate here by entering the callsign used during OhQP and the year and pressing the button below. In addition you can add the name as you’d like it on the certificate. You can also enter an additional line for operator calls at a multi-op, etc. Enter Callsign Used during Ohio QSO Party Enter Name for certificate Optional Enter additional names, calls for certificate Select Year for certificate 20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002 After pressing the submit button you are taken to another page. If the callsign you entered had an entry in the year you entered, a certificate appears onscreen. The certificate may be printed or saved on your computer using your browser. The certificate is an 8 x 10 certificate. If the callsign you entered is not found then you see a page stating that. Close the tab and try another call and year. Note there is nothing to download from our site. The certificates are generated on-the-fly and are not files saved on our server that you must download. You can save the certificate in whatever format your computer and browser allow. The file can then be used as a background on your computer or printed or whatever you choose to do. Thanks for your participation in the OhQP and we hope you enjoy your certificate.